Sydney Lawyers, Sydney Solicitors, Sydney Barristers and NSW Lawyers
There are 2621 Sydney Solicitors firms and Sydney Barristers in the CBD area alone (see our Map).
Of this there are 1819 Sydney Barristers and 703 Sydney Solicitors in the Sydney CBD area.
In New South Wales solicitors can be both barristers and solicitors. Sydney Lawyers and NSW Solicitors advise clients on routine legal matters, take instructions from clients and prepare material for Court cases for barristers. Sydney lawyers and NSW lawyers have a right of appearance in all Courts however they do not robe to appear in District Courts and above.
NSW barristers and Sydney barristers cannot refer to themselves as solicitors. New South Wales barristers and Sydney barristers are legal practitioners whose principal work involves presenting cases in courts and other formal hearings such as tribunals. Sydney barristers and NSW barristers are permitted to accept direct briefs from clients, with limitations. Barristers can be briefed to advise, settle and prepare documents.
Some Sydney lawyers specialising in areas of law will travel to regional areas. This includes Sydney Solicitors and Sydney Barristers.
To find Sydney Solicitors and Sydney Barristers and New South Wales Solicitors and Barristers click here.